Ahhh... The city of brotherly love in Summer time- 80 degrees and sunny, while surrounded by 10's of thousands of people make for the perfect day to draw.
Here are some of the highlights, including the premier of my new banner - thanks to www.DistinctGraphicz.com. A special thanks to fellow caricature artist Schay Glover (3rd pic) and his amazing wife for their generosity. At the bottom I added some personal photos from Easton, PA. Can't wait until next year already!
Caricatures by Ryan has just teamed up with some of Disney's Finest Face Painters. Ryan is now listed in the Perfect Wedding Guide! www.pwg.com Digital Caricatures are becoming a great way for the bride and groom to offer something new and unique to their guests. I will be posting some of my recent weddings on here shortly to show you how much fun they are having with this. The good ol' Pen and Ink is still the most demanded but Digital is coming in a close 2nd! When I am at an event a lot of people- kids especially want to know how to get started and where to buy everything (Cost of Entry). Every artist is different but there are certainly some things that never change. My most recent Gift Caricature I completed for a woman in Boca who's friend was turning 40. I had to add in the husband into the pic as well. This one was done completely on my Cintiq 21 and emailed. She also received a full body avatar to use on facebook etc. I am also attaching some screen shots of my process. People have asked me how do I do what I do? I used to say it was in the "magic" marker... now that I've offered digital, I have to make up another story :) I got a call from a sweet lady just west of Orlando that I had met at a Festival 6 months ago. Turns out her and her family own/run a convalescent home and wanted me to come up to draw caricatures of the 75 residents! I had not anticipated this one being such a special time but it was one that I will never forget. I made some great friends with Ed, Joy and Peter who made me laugh more than I made them. Some were lawyers, and dancers and school teachers and influential back in the day...that part is sometimes hard to remember, that they were once very active and contributing parts of our society. I hope to go back in the fall or winter. Here's a snapshot of the day of my special friends. Ok, So we shouldn't necessarily be thinking of the Holidays...but here are some cards I've done for Christmas last year. I'm excited to take these all digital and really make them POP!
A New York couple wanted a Christmas Gift that was unique. This is what was delivered. Rumor has it I helped her fall in love with him all over again! People always ask me how I work. Here's a close up picture of my set up in the studio. I usually place the laptop on the side of my easel and sketch as if your right in front of me. It works nice because I don't have to remind you to smile :) This one was a Mother's Day Gift from the Grandkids of a family in Orlando. |
February 2010
Caricatures by Ryan Links:
www.aboutfaces.com |